Timberwolves is now available!
I thought about making a separate blog post about the final cover art being done, but I figured one post could cover not only that, but the fact that the eBook and paperback versions of my novel, Timberwolves, are now available.
Look at that artwork! Gorgeous, no?
Special thanks to my brother for guiding me through the cover art process and doing most of the heavy lifting based off my designs. I know they say not to judge a book by its cover, but I think in this case that would be okay. I hope you all enjoy the book. I spent a large portion of my life developing and honing this story. I left it dormant many times, but it always called me back. Drop me a message on Twitter or my contact page and let me know what you thought.
You can buy the Kindle version here.
Or the paperback version here.
Happy reading!