In a nutshell, I write, draw, and paint. That’s why you’re here.
But I also have a secret identity…
A living painting by Johannes Stoetters, and my Twitter profile pic since I joined Twitter. For more of his work, visit johannesstoetterart.com
No, I’m not Johannes Stoetters. No, I didn’t paint those three lovely women above (if you thought it was “just a wolf,” look again). True, I create art, but my canvases are usually far less alive. Back when I joined Twitter, I was knee deep in my novel, Timberwolves. I was trying to find a good profile pic, but nothing fit the bill. Day and night, draft after draft (I think there were 17 or so), wolves dominated my dreams and my thoughts. I stumbled upon this image, and I thought, “Perfect. I can use this until a finish the novel,” which I assumed might have been completed in a year or so. Instantly, I fell in love with the image. It remains one of my favorite pieces of art.
Well, life happens, and—flash forward eight or nine years, and I’ve finally gotten back to the novel and it’s nearly finished. Thousands of things seemed to have changed in that time—jobs, family dynamics, the country. But the one thing that has remained constant is the joy I feel when I look at this pic. This is the reason why on a page titled “About,” you’re looking at this instead of my pretty face.
The other reason is that I’m a fairly private person. I like the anonymity provided by a pseudonym.
Lastly, I have a secret identity. I’m actually a super-hero. My superpower is the ability to teach literature and composition to public school students in Texas. While you’re here, buy something or donate to support a struggling teacher. If grading thousands of essays wasn’t time consuming enough, I’m also a coach, and I spend my afternoons with young men and women trying to get them to achieve more than they ever thought possible.
Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you stop in often and read my blog. I post there about my art, but I’ll also expound on my struggles as a teacher, my process in creating my art, politics, sports, pop-culture, entertainment, or whatever tickles my fancy that day.
Send me a tweet on Twitter. I’m always excited to hear from fans.
Frank Nix